Stomach & Chest Hair Shaving (GROOMING GUIDE & TIPS)

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These days people are willing to shave their chest and stomach hair. I can only suspect it’s because of the times we’re in. Gone are the days with men proudly displaying their hairy chests. Now social media and television have pretty much programmed us into believing we are to have a silky clean chest. And why not the stomach because I know a lot of men are looking for the magic key to stop chest hair growth or the hair growth on their stomach.

But the gag is there is no magic pill to take. The “permanent solution” to this problem is to use IPL or laser hair removal. But those are expensive options. So, were stuck with shaving. Here I provide a great guide to shaving your chest. Then once your done with your chest, just bring that razor on down to your stomach and clean up there a little bit. 

Necessary tools for shaving your chest

  1. Disposable Razor ( try out the BIC Hybrid 3 Comfort Disposable Razor or the Gillette Fusion5 ProShield Men’s Razor
  1. Double Edge Razor (one of my personal favorites are the WEISHI Nostalgic Long Handle Butterfly Open Double Edge Safety Razor or Dorco Prime Starter Set: Double Edge Safety Butterfly Shaver Handle )
  1. Scissors/clippers (Philips Norelco Multi Groomer MG3750/50, these clippers are more for facial hair, but it can be use just to trim hair from the pubes)
  1. Shaving brush (your choice)
  1. Body exfoliator or a loofah
  1. Shaving cream/gel ( you can try out the Proraso Shaving Cream or the Gillette Fusion ProGlide Sensitive 2 in 1 Shave Gel
  1. Shaving oil (maybe shaving oil is more your type. Then you can try Best Pre-Shave Oil, Sandalwood)
  1. Aftershave gel/cream or moisturizing lotion (Its best to pick one that is unscented like Best After-shave Balm, Unscented, Premium Aftershave Lotion , because the fragrances can still irritate the skin)
  1. Comb (depending on how much hair you have)

How to remove chest hair?

You can wax it, zap it, or cut it. Wax it by using hot wax or sugar wax (which is a good and natural choice). Zap it by using laser hair removal or IPL hair removal devices (both are very similar and are birthed from the same technology. Or you can cut it by shaving your chest hair or trimming it. You can trim your chest hair with barber clippers, body-groomers, or an all-around body groomer. Later on in this article I’ll be describing how to shave your hairy chest.

How to shave your chest and stomach without irritation

Do most guys shave their chest hair?

Well, I would say no. Because every man in my immediate family doesn’t. I mean they know they have a hairy chest. When whenever we meet up every summer or winter at someplace warm, it’s nothing but hairy chest. I think the reason the chest might be skipped over in the hair grooming process is that the chest isn’t open to view.

Guys with chest hair or should I say with hair period mostly care more for facial hair. Or even their pubic hairs as a result of their significant other. Then I started working in the fashion industry. I found that a lot of men would shave their chest. Mostly for the jobs they were doing. Men who play certain sports will have to shave. Sometimes its a requirement of the sport they play.

Some shave their chest especially in the summertime to get a release from the heat. See the extra layer of hair can add a layer of heat. This will make you feel uncomfortable. And also, some may be in the gym pumping iron and shave to show off the great detail in the chest and stomach muscles.

So, it all comes down to the man’s own preferences. Does he like to groom his chest or not? Does his spouse like a shaved chest? It’s a 50-50 type of thing. Some do, some don’t.

Should I shave my stomach hair?

People tend to focus more on shaving and trimming chest hair. But their stomach can be just as hairy, if not hairier. Should you shave your stomach? Well, that would depend on your own comfort. Most of the time people decide to shave certain body parts either for aesthetics or for comfort. People that work in the fashion industry or in an environment where they have their clothes off most of the time. Or maybe your girlfriend or boyfriend has had enough of your hairy bellybutton and would love for you to shave it off.

But the decision is all up to you. Remember it all depends on your comfort. If it’s for a job that requires it, you may not have any say in the matter. For your significant other, you may want to do whatever it takes to please them. You’ve been working out all winter and your abs are starting to show, you may want to shave off the hair. It’s up to you.

How to shave your chest (the steps below can also be used for shaving your stomach)

How to shave your chest and stomach without irritation


  1. First, choose a shaving cream or gel. I would choose a cream or gel that goes easy towards your skin’s sensitivity.
  1. Second, buy yourself a new quality razor. Its the best way to shave your chest. Get a double-edge razor. The grandpa or great grandpa could’ve been using. One that is sharp than any other blade. With a double-edge razor you can use a derby or Japanese blade that are sharper than their other blade counterparts. As for the cartridges, you always for the most reliable ones that you can find. If you are already using a great razor, then don’t stop. But beware of the generic cheap disposable ones that will leave you with small nicks and scrapes.
  1. Third, I would trim the hair down. You have to trim the chest hairs down. It’s very important especially since we’re shaving. One of the best ways to trim chest hair is to use one of those body trimmers. I mean razors are good, but they aren’t quite good at removing very long thick hair. So, do your razor a favor and trim it down a bit. This is where the comb comes into play. You take the comb, lay it on your chest so the hair will go through it. You can take scissors or hair trimmer and go over it. If you don’t like that option, you can take a hair trimmer with a guard on it. And use that to trim the area. The guard acts as a barrier and will prevent you from removing a certain amount of hair.
  1. Fourth, open the pores. Hop in the shower, I mean a nice warm and hot shower. I need you to relax for 5-10 minutes. Mostly just five. Wash up, especially around the chest area. The heat softens your hair and opens up the pores. This will allow for the razor to do a better job at removing the hair.
  1. Fifth, exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. Therefore, you need the wet loofah. When dealing with a razor you always want to minimize the possibility of ingrown hairs. Exfoliates helps with that and helps to remove dead skin cells.
  1. Sixth, taking the shaving oil, cream, or gel. Time to shave. I found that when using a little oil right under your cream. The gel creates a barrier for your skin. The razor goes across the skin smoothly. The razor won’t drag across the skin like when there is no lubrication for it. The oil is great because it helps to prevent razor burn, skin irritation, and razor bumps. The cream or gel works just as well. Just dampen the area then rub the cream/gel over it. Make sure you lather up well.
  1. Start shaving. You must shave with the grain. DO NOT GO AGAINST IT. Do not keep going over the area multiple times. You can shave against it the grain because this will allow for a closer shave, but the reason why I say don’t is that everyone’s skin is different. And your skin’s sensitivity matters a lot during this part. But you can try one time shaving against the grain. Then the next time try going against the grain. See what works best for your skin type. While you are shaving keep washing your razor. Don’t let too much hair buildup.
  1. You’re finished. Pat your skin dry. Throw on some moisturizing lotion. You can and might get chest pimples. Chest pimples are real. A facial toner can fight against this. They can also help clean out your pores.
  1. When shaving you always have to fight against razor bumps. So, it’s best to apply some product that’ll help fight the bumps and irritation. This razor bump product works well, but it can sting a little when first applied.

How often should I be shaving my chest?

There is no set rule on how long you should wait to shave your chest. If you’re body has the habit of growing body-hair till there is a forest. Then I suggest you shave once you start to see some stubble. So, usually after the 2nd week of you shaving, then you can shave again. But it depends on your bodies hair growth rate.

How to get rid of chest hair on women

There is a list of reasons as to why women would have increased chest hair growth. Most of the time its hormonal or anti-inflammatory drugs that will make their chest hair grow. Chest hair growth on women is not as common as you see with men. Therefore, it’ll be less difficult to deal with. And a lot easier to clean up with after. If you choose to go with the shaving route, here’s how you can start.

Lather up gently with shaving cream, oil, or gel. Make sure to get in between the cleavage and under the breasts. Shaving the chest of a woman will be really different from that of a man. Since you have breast. Now depending on the size and shape of your breasts, it can be quite time-consuming.

Grab your razor. Start from below the neck and start shaving in the direction of hair growth. Short and light strokes of the blade will do the trick. You want to work your way down to the cleavage area. When you get there to the cleavage area, depending on the shape and size of your breasts, you’ll have to twist your blade at an angle. You’ll have to do this in order to get the hairs between the cleavage.

How to shave around your breasts

Now on to the breasts. If your breasts are perky and sit up straight, you won’t need any assistance by lifting up your breast or anything like that. Just shave lightly against your breasts. short and light strokes. Don’t press down on the blade, and let the weight of the blade do its job. Now, if you’re flat-chested, just shave regularly like you would your arms, underarms, or even your legs. Just avoid the nipples.

But if you’re not flat-chested and you’re breasts aren’t perky and sit up straight. Choose one side of the breast, you can pull on the skin in order to make a flat surface to shave on. Pull lightly, use short and gentle strokes. When shaving under the breasts, you have to shave upwards toward your face. Wash off any left shaving cream.  You can put on some aftershave lotion or any moisturizing lotion if you want.

Stomach & Chest hair Grooming (HOW TO SHAVE YOUR CHEST & STOMACH)

Can you shave a pregnant belly?

Yes you can. If that hair makes you feel uncomfortable and real self-conscious, then get rid of it. Sometimes the linea nigra, which is a line of hair that extends from your belly button to your pubic bone may appear thicker and more noticeable while you’re pregnant but this may be due increase in your hormones. When you shave it you’ll be dealing with the exact same problems one may have when shaving their shave or anywhere on their body. Itchiness from hair growth. 

How to shave your pregnant belly

You follow the same steps up above. But the most important thing about shaving your belly is light pressure, short strokes, and slow shaving pace. Don’t go to fast or you can make a misstep and cut yourself. Remember shaving can cause infections if you get cut.  The light pressure is also a way of preventing any cuts from happening. The short strokes are always needed when shaving. Short stroke, rinse, repeat. 

Why shaving is best option to get rid of chest hair?

I tend to think about the quickness of the task. Once you start doing it and get accustomed to it. It’ll become easier for you to do it and you’ll be able to do it a lot faster. It’s efficient and doesn’t have as many bad sides to it as does depilatory creams, waxing, or laser hair removal. Other methods are expensive and can be quite painful. The depilatory cream method is good, but that smell is just DIFFICULT to deal with.

Obviously, shaving by itself can’t get through thick hair alone, but you can also try and shave in a few chest hairstyles (if that’s what you’re into). People are scared to shave because of the fear of being cut. But it is highly unlikely that you’ll get cut when you let the blade do its job and not add any pressure to it. Also don’t go too fast. So, in my opinion, yeah, shaving is best. Easy on the pocket, can be easy on the skin(when done properly), and can be less time-consuming. Also, no harsh smells.

How long will chest itch after trimming?

It can itch for about 2-5 days even longer than that if you don’t do anything about it. But it always comes down to when your chest hair growth starts. Or at least they grow back to a good length where the new hair follicle isn’t irritating the skin around it. Now with shaving, it’s a different story.  The length of time depends on how fast your skin can heal. Or what medication you use and how it affects your skin.

How to remove chest hair permanently

Using an At-home laser removal device

Laser hair removal has been around for quite some time since the mid 90’s. Using this form of hair removal, you can achieve permanent hair removal within 3 sessions depending on skin and hair type. I wrote about this in another article on here. But let me give you a summary of how it works.

It works by shining a beam of light on your skin directly targeting the pores where your hairs grow. It’s targeting the pigment in the hair which is called melanin. The light energy converts to heat once absorbed. This causes the hair follicle to warm up. But the catch is not all the hairs will be affected. Because you have hair that grows in cycles. That’s the reason for multiple sessions.

You won’t notice any immediate results, so you may be discouraged from continuing the process. It may take a few weeks for the hair to fall out once the process is done. A few hair removal manufactures started producing IPL hair removal devices that you can take home because using the ones inside the salon can hit your pockets. They can charge you up to $1000 dollars. And this is for multiple sessions.

Just like its laser hair removal counterpart. IPl hair removal also has become usable inside the home. IPL stands for intense pulsed light. Using basically the same sort of tech as laser hair removal to heat up hairs and damage the follicles. But the difference is they use a broad range of light that is less focused than its counterpart.

In some salons, you’ll find that IPL is cheaper than the laser hair removal option. But you can also purchase a home device that you can use rather than going to the salon, which can be a bit pricey.

Natural ways to remove stomach or chest hair

The two other methods are popular among many people and they are some of the best ways to remove chest hair

  1. Waxing
  1. Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams have chemicals that melt the hair. You buy some of the popular brands such as Nair, Veet, or Revitol. Test a small patch on your skin. Leave it for a day to make sure you get no dangerous side effects.

If you have a hairy chest/stomach you are going to want to trim the hair down a little. Then apply the depilatory cream. Leave it in the hairy area for the recommended amount of time. Which would be on the highlighted on the product itself. Usually, it’s about 10-15 minutes. Now use a damp cloth to remove the cream and the hair. Depending on your skin type you shouldn’t have any side effects, no irritation. That is why you test an area on your skin before.

Waxing is another good choice.

  1. Make sure you buy a hard wax can be a lot less painful since it doesn’t have to be pulled off in the opposite direction of the hair growth
  1. You can buy any type of wax kits online
  1. Use the application device that the came with the product. Usually, it’s a little stick. By using the applicator, you can apply an even amount on your skin

Wax and cloth strips

How to shave your chest and stomach without irritation

  1. Once you apply the wax, this will require some patience. And you’ll have to wait for it to set.
  1. You’ll know when it’s time to remove it when its sticky. Now use those cloth strips and place it on top of the wax.
  1. Press down on it. Grab it from the edge, then yank it off with one movement.
  1. Keep repeating this till there is no more hair around the stomach area.

Odd ways of removing stomach and chest hair

Raw papaya

  1. Take raw papaya, turmeric powder, aloe vera, gram flour, mustard oil, and water. Turn it into a paste.
  1. Take the paste and rub it onto the stomach/chest areas with hair. Leave it alone for about 15-20 minutes
  1. Rinse off with water. Damp dry and lather up some moisturizer
  1. You can just use papaya and turmeric powder with some water. The other ingredients if included can strengthen it

Egg white mask

  1. Take some egg whites, sugar, and cornstarch. Mix them together.
  1. Take this mixture and lather up on your stomach/chest.
  1. Once dry remove it. The mask has removed a few hairs with it.

Sugar and molasses can work wonders.

  1. Combine sugar and molasses. Leave it to sit for a few minutes.
  1. Microwave it. Keep on microwaving it till the sugar is no more. It should’ve dissolved because of the continuous microwaving.
  1. Now add some lemon juice. Mix it. It should have a paste-like texture.
  1. Put it on your stomach or chest. Leave it to dry, now pull lightly against the grain of your hair growth.


How to trim chest and stomach hair

The one tool you will need is a reliable and strong built trimmer. You can even buy yourself some hair clippers (the ones they use in the barber). If you use a clipper it’ll come with a few guards that will prevent you from cutting too much. It basically leaves a certain amount of hair on your body according to how you want it.

You can attach a number 1 guard or a number 4 guard. Depending on how much you want to cut off. If you want to cut everything off adjust your clippers so that I’ll cut everything off. Now start trimming. Make sure to go against the grain (hair growth).

Using scissors to remove chest hair

How to shave your chest and stomach without irritation

I wouldn’t really recommend using scissors as the only method for removing body hair because they can be quite dangerous when compared to other methods.

You could cut off a nipple or two. I would only recommend you use scissors as a form of trimming first then using another method to remove the rest of the body hair.

The best one that I’ve tried is called the “Tweezerman.” It comes with rounded blades that can prevent you from cutting yourself. Another is the Mehaz 4 but unlike the rounded blades, it has pointed blades. They both can get the job the done before the real job begins. Just pull back on your skin where you plan on cutting and start cutting. (make sure your hair length is long enough for the scissors to do its job.

How to handle shaving chest hair side effects and get rid of razor bumps on chest fast

So, let’s say you probably followed the shaving steps down to the “T” or maybe you didn’t and now you have razor bumps. Here are some ways you can either get rid of them or reduce the appearance of them.

  1. One unique tip I got from a friend is to take a few aspirin pills (the brand doesn’t matter) just make sure they are aspirin pills. Take a cup of hot water and mix the two. Don’t have much water. The mixture should look pure white and maybe a little thick, but don’t add too much water. Take that mixture and rub it on you’re the area with razor bumps. See aspirins are known to relieve pain, fever, swelling, etc. so what we’re doing is turning into a liquid form.

I’ve tried it and it does reduce the appearance of the razor bumps.

  1. Put it on the razor bumps. Grab a washrag/cloth heat it up and place it over the affected area for 10-15 minutes. This can help destroy some of the germs and bacteria that can make the razor bumps worse.
  1. You can apply the hydro-cortisone cream. These types of creams get to soothe the inflammation and the itching within a day or two.
  1. Time to get your facial on. Take some cucumber and milk and make a mask. Mix ½ of pureed cucumber and ¼ of milk, put it in your fridge and let it cool for a while, then place it on the affected area. It’s important to leave it there for 15-30 minutes and remove the mask.
  1. My favorite and the best go-to product is Bump Patrol. These are a gift from the heavens, although it does sting a lot when you place it on your bumps.

How to stop itching after trimming chest hair

Itching is a result of the dryness and irritation. So, it’s important to moisturize the skin. I like to rub and aftershave lotion on the area once I’m done trimming, shaving, etc. There are many good products that have Aloe Vera gel, Shea butter, etc. These types of ingredients are perfect for the skin. They help heal the skin and moisturize it at the same time.


Products that can help treat a shaving rash on your chest

Three products you can use:

  1. Puriya Cream For Itchy Chest Prevention


  1. Art Naturals Aloe Vera Gel Itch Solution


  1. Cortizone-10 Max Strength Cortizone

But as always, the best attack against an itchy chest is to prevent it in the first place.

So here are a few things you can do to either prevent or minimize the amount itchiness feeling you might get.

    1. When you exfoliate right before a shave, not only are you doing your skin a favor, but you also prepare your hair follicles to be cut. If the exfoliation process is done after, it’s even better. You’ll help clear away the loose hairs and help reduce the number of your pores becoming irritated and inflamed. You can invest in exfoliation gloves so when you’re showering you can use them.
    1. Let’s say you are shaving your face and decide to take the time to shave your chest. I never use the same blade, especially in these two areas.
    2. I would change the blade or razor as soon as I’m finished with one body part because you want to be on the safe side and not carry any more bacteria to a different body part.
    1. There is a special type of lotion that is only for shaving prior and after. You should use these. The thing is they help heal the skin right after. So, watch out for products with Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, or (my favorite) Shea Butter.
    1. I recommend you spend a few precious moments finding out which direction your hair is growing in. use your fingertips and you’ll be able to find out if you’re going against the grain or not.
    2. Your skin should be smooth and if it’s against the grain, then it should feel like little sharp points at the end of your fingertips. This is assuming your trimmed with a body groomer down to a good length.
    3. If your hair hasn’t been cut, then going against the grain will feel like your stroking your cat’s hair the wrong way. But sometimes you may just end up going against the grain. So, use short strokes, and be gentle, let the blade do the work.
    1. Gillette, Remington, surprent, and Philips very well-made body trimmers.
    2. Certain manufacturers use body groomers. They cut almost as good as a razor but not with all those side effects since the blades of the trimmer don’t really touch your skin. Some work well in water (shower) others not so much. Just read the instructions on the ones you’re looking at. And some won’t cut wet hair as well as dry hair. So, watch out for that.

So there you have it. A great guide to shaving your chest and belly.  I hope you found this guide helpful. But before I conclude, I should mention that you never want to shave too often. It can cause more problems that it can solve.

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