Is shaving every day bad for you

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Shaving too much really bad for you?

Shaving is one of my favorite methods of hair removal, but it is also one with a lot of side effects. I’ve come across some people who prefer to shave every day as a way to keep off any oncoming hairs.

No form of stubble or 5’o clock shadow shall prosper.

But I think it depends on your skin type when you make the choice to shave every day. If you have sensitive thin skin, I would suggest you choose another hair removal method. Because your skin may breakout with redness, soreness, cuts, and razor bumps. You may also not be that good at shaving, so, you are more prone to cuts.

Also, you need you think of shaving almost as a way of you removing some of your skin. Depending on how sharp your blade is. That is why cosmetic companies develop aftershave lotion to soothe your skin once you have finished shaving. Shaving too often may cause irritation. So, you shave one day, your skin may not have a chance to recover before the next day you shave.

So, you run the risk of…

  1. more irritation
  2. in-grown hairs
  3. bad regrowth
  4. soreness/redness
  5. tender skin


But shaving with good shaving techniques will be less damaging to your skin. You can have an increase in collagen production. That collagen production that happens can act as some sort of exfoliant on your skin. This would remove the dead skin cells. Dead skin cells can help to cause acne.

Even more reasons to shave are it can make you look younger and fresher. It keeps away the razor bumps or ingrown hairs. Since you are consistently shaving, you are preventing the hair from growing thus removing the potential for any ingrown hairs.

But if you’re thinking of heading in the direction of shaving every day.

  • I would recommend you try it for a few days just to see how your skin reacts.
  • First, learn the proper shaving techniques either with a double edge razor or a disposable one.
  • Use light pressure, follow the grain of your hair growth, and use a very good moisturizing lotion. Preferably something with Shea butter or Aloe Vera.
  • Do this for a few days to see what happens to your skin.

Steps to shave everyday

  1. Do a good pre shave, wash your stubble with some soap, preferably a high-glycerin soap. Apply your lather. Work it in.
  2. Use a good razor and look for a good brand that works damn near perfectly.
  3. Use light pressure, don’t press down on the blade.
  4. Pay close attention to the grain of your hair on your face. Shave with the grain.
  5. Moisturize (find a good or all natural aftershave lotion and rub it in) this is good from frequent shaving.

Shaving can leave remove very fine layers of skin and cause your skin to go dry and bring along more problems. So moisturize often. If it reacts well, then, proceed with your everyday shaving. But everyone’s different. So be careful.

How to avoid shaving too much

A good way or maybe the only way to avoid shaving too much is to find another hair removal method. One that removes the hair permanently. Methods such as ILP/Hair removal treatments.

You can go with waxing which in my opinion is the best choice since it’s cost effective, works well with any skin type. Only negative is the pain. IPL/Hair removal treatment is costly and may not work well depending on your skin type.

You can even try depilatory creams. They work well but may stink and cause a lot of skin irritation. If you’re against all these. You can still shave one time and instead of shaving continuously with a razor you can get a shaver/trimmer and use that. You won’t get a good clean cut as you would with a razor, but it would hold off a good amount of stubble.

How to know when you are shaving too much?

It would depend on your skin sensitivity and skin type. If you were shaving too much your body would be sending you signals. Certain signals such as razor bumps, redness, soreness, skin irritation, ingrown hairs.

Your skin can become irritated just after the first time you shave, so you must shave a few more times before you can truly know when’s the time to hang it up.

I would recommend you shave as often as you like or as often as your skin would allow.

Then listen to your body. Any redness? Any irritation? Any soreness? Then, yeah, maybe you should stop. Then shave every other day, or maybe once or twice a week, then check your skin to see how it reacts.

Shaving too much

Will shaving all the time cause ingrown hairs?

No, ingrown hairs are the cause of shaving frequently, rough and raw skin is. Your skin being red and tender is the cause of the shaving frequently. Ingrown hairs are more commonly associated with dead skin cells that will block the hair from coming through the skin’s surface, if you have ingrown hairs, then you should look to exfoliate on a regular basis that will help clean up the dead skin cells. 

Is it okay to shave daily?

ou can. But it’s important to watch what you shave with. Meaning the devices you use. Also knowing your own skin and how much you can take. Everyone’s skin is different. So make sure there are no dull razors, use enough cold water. And if you have any shave eruptions, don’t shave over them. 

Some reasons as to why you may have to shave everyday?

Your job. Your job may be your lifeline. It’s how you pay the bills, and put food on the table. Some jobs may require you to shave often. In other words they want you with a baby face. Nice and smooth. No hair. Some professions such as the military or maybe corporate will have you shaving often because they may not like to see a hairy face.

I know firefighters have to remove facial hair but are allowed to have a mustache. No beards. They must wear a positive pressure air pack and that air pack must have a good seal around your face mask.

How often should men shave?

Men should shave as often as they want as long as their skin will allow it. I mean you can get razor burn with in the first shave and wont be able to shave again for a few days maybe even a week till the razor burn passes. So as i stated up above by the “steps to shave everyday section” you should be testing yourself to see if your skin can handle all that, then progress into shaving often or pulling back on it.