How to make sugar wax for your underarms

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People have underarm hair. It’s almost impossible to get around it, but I have a solution, sugar wax for underarms. Doesn’t involve shaving, nor any depilatory creams. Those other options can be real harsh towards your skin. And plus the sugar wax is an all natural option of hair removal. Don’t believe me, look up the ingredients.

How to make sugar wax for underarms

​Listen up the recipe for the sugar wax is as easy as saying 1,2,3.

Here are some things you’ll need and the best part is that it’s probably already in your kitchen cabinet.

  1. Get yourself 1 cup of sugar
  2. ¼ cup of lemon juice, either in a bottle or freshly squeezed yourself.
  3. ¼ cup of water (the type of water doesn’t matter, bottled or tap)
  4. Some wax cloth strips

The lemon juice is necessary because it provides the wax with an acid. The acid is used so that the sugar paste can be the right consistency. No acid in the paste. The sugar won’t be as strong without it. It won’t be tough enough nor stick enough to grab your hair follicles and pull them out.

The recipe above is more than enough. You can wax under your arm and legs or anywhere else for that matter.

How to use sugar wax on your underarms

  1. You can start by taking all those ingredients I mentioned. Throw it into a small pot/saucepan. Bring the pot to a boil
  2. When it starts boiling, turn it down a little. You want to get a medium heat. Make sure the wax doesn’t start to boil over
  3. Simmer this for about 5-7 minutes
  4. I always use a measuring cup. So, you would need that. If not, then you can measure it by eye. Take the sugar wax and pour it into the measuring cup

Let that wax cool for up to half an hour. Now it should be thicker than honey. The wax should be cooled enough to the point it’s no longer runny.  I mean it shouldn’t be runny. Like running off your finger. Then, and only then is it time to wax.


So maybe you’re not to keen on making you’re on sugar wax. So, I recommend you try the sugaring paste by LUXURY PRO. Their paste is nice and smooth and the consistency is perfect every time. I find that I can get the majority of the hair I’m trying to remove on the first pass.

The other recommendation is the Moom Organic Hair Removal. This sugaring paste is different because the manufactures decided to add Tea Tree extract into it. I love this sugaring paste because the consistency is great. You just have to be careful of the temperature at which you store it at. 

How to make sugar wax for your underarms

How to wax your underarms.

  1. You’ll need a little stick for applying the wax or a butter knife
  2. Touch a little bit of the wax and check the temperature. Too hot. Let it cool down for a little longer
  3. Your underarm shouldn’t have much hair. If you have a lot of hair I would definitely trim it down
  4. Apply it against the grain of your hair under your arm
  5. Once you’ve finished applying the wax. Take your wax cloth and press it firmly under your arm
  6. Obviously, your arm would be pointed up towards the sky. You want to bend your arm once you’ve finished applying the wax or the putting on the wax cloth. Keep your arm raised during the whole process
  7. The cloth is on firmly. Grab it by one of its ends. And pull it off as fast as you can
  8. You’re finished. If there is more hair still left. Try it again until you get the desired look

Can you clean off the wax strips?

Yes, but I always get new ones. But you can clean them off. Add it to a bowl of water once you’re done using them. The sugar wax will rinse off. Now take those wax strips and put them in the dryer. No dryer, no problem. Lay it out to dry and save it for another time.

Why do we even have underarm hair?

I know have a love/hate relationship with your underarm hair. But have you ever wondered why does it actually exist. The actual reason for it isn’t really known. But a majority of people believe it is aids in ventilation. Its sole purpose is to draw sweat away from the skin. Because in the underarms you’re likely to sweat a lot in that area. So, it is supposed to draw sweat away and help with ventilation in the body.

It also is supposed to stop any friction going on between the thorax and your upper arm. It can help provide insulation also. Also, many peoples favorite is helping to release any sexual hormones.

The hair that grows enables the growth of microbes that release a certain smell that is supposed to attract the opposite sex. Reduce friction between the thorax and upper arm

Does underarm waxing hurt?

That dreadful question “is underarm waxing painful?” I’m afraid to burst your bubble but, yeah it does hurt. I mean whenever I go for a waxing treatment like from a salon and they rid those hairs out. It can be quite painful. But they should apply some sort of numbing application in the area. so it won’t hurt as much. The underarms can be a sensitive area.

But the same can be said for sugar waxing your armpits. If I use it with a cloth strip, it can hurt. But if I shave the hair down low enough then apply the sugar wax, I don’t feel much pain at all.  

Is it bad to get your armpits waxed?

I mean no. I would say its bad to get your armpits shaved. But that’s my opinion. Shaving your underarms can become a routine task happening every 2 – 3 days. When that stubble starts to grow viciously.

The only bad part about getting the underarms waxed is that the skin can be sensitive. Being that it is your underarm, it isn’t exposed much and is unlike any part of your body as far being exposed is concerned.

So, it can have increased sensitivity, but that’s about it.

Waxing is ripping the hairs from the skin. And gives you an advantage as far as how often you have to go through your routine of removing your hairs.

Waxing can take a week or close to 2 weeks for hair to start to show again. I would say that is a big advantage over shaving or depilatory creams.

The other thing you should have to concern yourself with is bacteria. If you go to a salon there is always a risk for when the salon employees will reheat their wax and use that same wax on a various number of clients.

But they may use the same wax applicators they used on one client, they use on another. That can spread germs. Since waxing can at times RIP SKIN.

It can spread germs to you.
So that’s about all you must watch out for. Nothing else.

Underarm waxing benefits: lightening your underarms

Try waxing your underarm if they are too dark. Shaving and using depilatory creams can and will darken it.

The waxing process works as its own exfoliating method. Removing thin layers of skin, dead skin cells, and other stuff. Over time the dark underarms can brighten just a bit.

Sugar Waxing Benefits:

  1. You have natural ingredients. The sugar wax contains, water, sugar, and some lime or lemon. Regular wax used in the salons use various amounts of chemicals. I think you can eat sugar wax if you wanted. I mean you have to cook it in a pot. It’s food basically.
  2. Risk of getting burned is non-existent. Being burned with regular waxed can be a regular occurrence. But with sugar wax, it’s pretty much non-existent. I meant the wax may be warmed a little bit in order to be used but you can always wait for it to cool down. Often its warmed up to the temperature of the body.
  3. Better clean up. Traditional waxing can be difficult to clean up. It’s hard to remove. At times it can also be painful. But not saying sugar wax is super-duper clean. It’s a lot less clean up than regular wax. Simply because its water soluble. The cleanup can be washed off.
  4. Less irritation. There is a lot less swelling because of the chemicals being used in the regular hot wax. Chemicals such as plasticizers that will leave your skin feeling and looking swollen, giving it a reddish irritated color for days after your wax treatment.
  5. Friendlier towards bad When you go for a regular wax, sometimes people with skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, or varicose veins will or may be turned down. But with sugar wax, those conditions don’t matter.
  6. Less itchy hair regrowth. The hairs that grow back after your hair growth may feel itchy when you shave and maybe with regular wax. But the sugar wax removes that hair at the root. I’ve gotten the wax at the salon and I’ve done the sugar waxing at home. I must say my skin isn’t as itchy with the sugar wax as with the regular wax.

How long do underarm waxes last for?

I would say from my own experience. You have about 2 weeks or a little under that amount of time till your hair grows some stubble. But this doesn’t consider your hair growth rate.

Everyone is different, and everyone’s hair grows at a different rate. So, with you, you may see hair growth in like 5 days after your wax. It just depends on the person.

Can you put on deodorant after waxing?

I think not. Well, not immediately after you’re done waxing. Remember your skin has just gone through an unnatural process and has been ripped off.

You have to give your skin time to heal and the only for you to do that is avoid things that can irritate it more. Things such as heat, stay out of the sun for a while or cover up. Stay away from a hot shower, try a cold one instead, avoid those sweaty workouts and relax for the day.

But I’m only talking about over the counter deodorants, but there is a market out there for natural – organic deodorants. These, I assume will be using %100 organic ingredients. So, you can try those as an alternative.

How often do you have to wax your armpits?

You should be looking at a minimum of three weeks. This is the amount of time the hair will grow back fully or till you see enough of the hair and decide its time to wax again. 1 week is abnormal, this is in case you have rapid hair growth. 2 weeks is normal. So, anywhere from 2 -3 weeks.

What should you do after sugar waxing?

Now that you’ve waxed all your hair off. You can wipe off the area with a damp cloth or rinse your body parts off in the shower. Don’t do anything rough with your skin for at least 24 hours. Even though sugar waxing is a lot less rough on the skin than a regular hot wax. Your skin can still be real sensitive after the sugar wax.

And if you’re waxing your underarms, then I would wear any deodorant for at least 24 hours. Once you see some stubble and your hair starts to grow back. You can use some exfoliate products to help prevent the possibility of ingrown hairs.

Conclusion: Making sugar wax for your underarms is the exact same process as making for any other part of your body. And one of the great things about Sugar wax is that you’re able to use other substitute liquids. (did i mention its also edible)

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