Why Is My Armpit Green After Shaving?

Why is my armpit green after shaving

Why do we get dark armpits when I shave them?

It can happen for a number of reasons. It can be genetic, just like other skin problems. But those with darker skin are more likely to get darkened armpits, since their skin type is more prone to hyperpigmentation.

Your health also can play a significant role in the darkening of your armpits. In some studies, scientist have found that there could be a connection between pigmentation and diabetes. So darker armpits may be a warning sign for the condition. Those studies also concluded that diabetics have a high propensity to be affected. Since their insulin can interfere with skin pigmentation.

Some cases of darkened skin can be called (PCOS) polycystic ovary syndrome, a disorder that affects your hormones and cause skin overgrowth. But darkened skin is a common thing but it can happen for a variety of reasons. It can be genetic like other skin changes.

It may have correlation between diabetes and pigmentation which is astounding. Darker armpits can be a warning sign for diabetes.

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Why is my armpit green after shaving?

So, besides your current health condition and your genetic makeup, there are other external factors that contribute to the darkening of the skin area.

You have various deodorants and antiperspirants that have ingredients that can irritate your skin. this can cause inflammation and then it leads to thickening and darkening of the skin area over time.

If you look on the ingredient section of your deodorant, you’ll see it contains aluminum. According to Dr. Solomon, it can clog up the sweat ducks in your pores and now irritate your skin. now other brands of deodorant may use fragrance and alcohol together, both can be bad for sensitive skin types.

Another source of irritation is your razor. Shaving on your dry skin or even using a dull blade, will cause the skin to become dark and thick with time.

How can you get rid of darkness under your arms?

Two things. Natural remedies and Stop using certain products that could be irritating your skin at the moment. Natural remedies will be using natural products that hopefully won’t irritate your skin no more and would be productive in healing your skin. Stay away from over exfoliating your skin and bad in store scrubs that are equipped with sharp-edged particles. This can cause micro-abrasions.

You can take one tablespoon of lemon juice, aloe vera, and mix them. Take this mixture and apply to the armpits, then leave it there for minutes and wash it off normally.

This is a good home chemical exfoliation remedy you should use at least twice a week. You should be wary of using any acidic ingredients in any home remedy skin routine. Even it includes lemon juice.

Mixing the citrus along with gentle ingredients can balance out its potency.

Using it alone can irritate the sensitive skin and make that area of skin sun sensitive. Taking cucumber and aloe vera, turning it into a mask and placing on the skin will nourished the layers of thickened skin. The silica in the cucumber acts as a growth stimulant and helps to preserve the connective tissue in your skin.

Aloe vera is one of the best skin remedies you can ask for since its rich in moisturizing and inflammatory properties. It also contains aloin, which is a depigmenting element.

How can I prevent dark armpits when I shave?

You must avoid irritation at all costs. You must treat the skin under your arms like it’s the skin on your face. Which I’m assuming you do with care.

Let’s say you have sensitive skin under your armpit area, look for natural deodorants without fragrances, no alcohol or aluminum. A lot of irritating can come from you shaving your underarms.

To eliminate this, you can possibly get laser hair removal. Laser hair removal destroys the hair follicle, doing this the hair can no longer grow. No hair, then no reason to shave. No reason to shave means less irritation.

Avoid dull razor blades that may require repeated passes with the blade. This can cause irritation also. Shave in the direction of hair growth which for most people may be in upward position.

Why is my armpit green after shaving?

Your armpit turns green because you shave with a razor blade that is dull, and use deodorant contain alcohol and fragrance. All of this can irritate the skin. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy.

If you’re a woman, then it could be connected to hormonal changes related to pregnancy. Also, Addison’s disease can increase your melanin production which left untreated leads to armpit darkening.

It if it’s not the skin irritation then it could be because it’s a sign of early diabetes or maybe insulin resistance.

How to treat green armpits?

You can apply a skin lightning product. Products with kojic acid, hydroquinone (4-12 percent), licorice root extract and vitamin C can help with minor cases of discoloration. These ingredients block the production of melanin from different angles.

The dermatologist can help by applying microneedling with kojic acid. It delivers the acid deep in to the skin. It’ll take at least three treatments spread out through six weeks in order for results to show. Alight chemical peel with 10 percent salicylic acid is choice you may want to take.

2/6Lemon Juice

Using lemon juice. This type of juice is natural bleaching agent. And can help lighten up the green shave d area. Take some lemon juice and rub on the discolored area every day for at least 3 minutes. Also make sure to do it before taking a bath. Then moisturize the area when you’re done bathing. Results should be noticeable in 6-10 days.

Potato Juice

Potato juice like lemon juice is good natural bleach agent. It also acts as an anti-irritant that can help to lighten, he green discolored area. You do it by taking a thin slice of potato or get some potato juice and apply to your armpits. Keep it there for between 10 or 15 minutes. Using it twice a day, you should some brightened underarms.

Apple Cider and Vinegar

These 2 contain soft acids, that works to be a good disinfectant, and remove dead skin cells. Mix two tablespoons of each type vinegar with baking soda. Rub the mixture on the green affected area. Leave for up to 10 minutes or wait till becomes dry. Rinse with some cold water. Use this mixture 3 times a week.

Olive Oil

Take a tablespoon of olive ole add some brown sugar to it. Now you have an exfoliator. Scrub the mixture on to green affected area and leave it there for 5 minutes. You want to apply it for 2 times a week.

Aloe Vera

With aloe vera it comes in many forms, you can either use the gel from off the plant by breaking it open or you can use aloe vera gels from in the market. With the gels from the market you can just rub it on your underarms and leave it there for up to 15 minutes.

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