Can You Wax Over a Tattoo?

Can You Wax Over a Tattoo?

Picture this. I can remember walking down Venice beach and she gets this idea on getting a tattoo. It wasn’t an idea, she had already been contemplating getting one for a while. But decided now was a good time. We walked off the beach onto the strip and found a little tattoo shop. She got her tattoo in her pubic region. About two weeks later, she pops a question to me, can you wax over a tattoo? I had never really taught of it. And she decided to ask me since I’m the go-to person for all her hair removal needs.

Before answering her, I researched the answers. And this is what I discovered.

Can you wax over a new tattoo?

It depends. Is it a new tattoo that had a chance to heal? Then wax all you like. But if it’s a tattoo that hasn’t had a chance to heal. The answer is NO. When you get a tattoo, the needle is piercing the skin and therefore your skin is raw. Once the tattoo is over, it’ll need to heal. Waxing over the new tattoo with raw skin can only tarnish the tattoo design. Provide you with pain and might even cause infection since your skin may be raw. Waxing over a new tattoo is almost like you’re waxing over an exposed wound

Does waxing over a tattoo make it duller or brighter?

Your top layer of skin is called the epidermis. You know it gives us protection from outer elements and also plays a role in giving us our skin tone. And under the epidermis is the dermis. This is the part that houses your sweat glands and hair.

If you go deeper, you’ll find the hypodermis. It is made of fat and connective tissue. Both keep us warm on cold nights. When you sit in the chair and get a tattoo, the ink is injected right into the dermis. Therefore, giving your skin a permanent mark.

Now when you’re waxing, you’re applying the wax to the epidermis during the waxing treatment. It doesn’t affect the tattoos. The tattoos that might be lying beneath it in the dermis portion of your skin aren’t affected either. So, wax all you want. The tattoo won’t be damaged at all.

Waxing is a form of exfoliation so it can remove a few dead skin cells on the skin surface. And in some instances, it can make the tattoos look fresher and a bit more vibrant. A few of my hair professional co-workers would say wax is almost like cleaning a dirty window. The dirty window is the epidermis layer. It makes it look a bit better, like a lot brighter.

You shouldn’t wax over a fresh tattoo. If it’s still new then that means that it is still healing. A new tattoo might take a while to heal up. You might have to wait at least a month. While you wait it can have a swollen look to it and start to develop a scab over it. Waxing over it is like having a waxing session over an exposed wound.

A few important things:

  • You can wax over a healed tattoo. Doing so can help brighten the colors
  • You can wait for at least 4-6 weeks for your inkings to heal but before the waxing.
  • Moisturize when your treatment is over. Doing so can help provide nourishment to your skin and maintain the vividness of your tattoos.
  • Thou shall not wax over a fresh tattoo or one that is partially healed. It will hurt, destroy your design, then you get an infection.

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A growing new trend. Or should I write a trend that has been around for a few years is tattoo waxing. Usually, the tattoo artist will shave the area they are going to wax or you can come prepared beforehand. Shaving is always the go-to hair removal method. Waxing is better. Leaving your skin hair-free for up 5 weeks. Shaving can leave the hair to grow back within a day. Stubble arises and discomfort ensues.

Tattoo waxing can also be done by bringing your old tattoo back to life by exfoliating the skin.

Perron Rigot, national training director for Cali VanAelst claims that certain types of wax might be too aggressive for post-tattoo skin. So, he developed the Cirépil Boudoir wax to be used for tattoo wax. It was created in mind for sensitive, hypoallergenic skin. It can remove all the hair whether coarse or fine while bringing new life to tattoos.

Can I sugar wax my skin when I have a tattoo?

Absolutely. But the same thing you do with regular wax you should do with sugar wax. But wait at least 1 month after you get a brand-new tattoo. Waxing with either hot wax or sugar wax on a fresh tattoo is like waxing an open wound. That doesn’t benefit you one bit. So, wait a while after the tattoo has healed. Everyone thinks that waxing can hurt the tattoo but it’s the other way around. It can help.

Can you wax before a tattoo?

Absolutely. Its recommended. The tattoo artist can’t put the tattoo on when they are facing a cloud of hair. So, shave off the hair so there is a clean surface to design it on. You got to remove the hair so the tattoo artist will have clean pavement to design on.

You can wax, shave, even use depilatory creams. I would go for waxing and shaving. Depilatory creams tend to leave a smell behind. Plus, you wouldn’t want the artist to think bad things about you all because you don’t smell good.

When you wax before your tattoo, make sure to do it at least 24 hours before your tattoo appointment. Doing so provides enough time for the freshly waxed skin to somewhat heal and prepare for the tattoo gun. You need a good amount of time before you have stubble or serious hair growth.

How should I wait to wax over tattoo safely?

At least a month. So, wait a months’ worth of time. The reason why is when you tattoo over a patch of your skin. The area is now raw.

And if you start waxing over the area, then it would be like your waxing over an open wound.  That would hurt. That’s why giving your tattoo time to breathe for about 3 weeks up to 5 weeks to heal itself can work wonders. And is the right thing to do. But the amount of time needed to heal will depend on the design, the size of your tattoo, and the colors you are chosen to create it.

What is tattoo wax?

Tattoo waxing is a new trend in the hair removal industry. A growing new trend. Or should I write a trend that has been around for a few years is tattoo waxing. It’s done to bring new life to the tattoo. Many in the industry believe by doing tattoo waxing you’re helping to exfoliate, brighten, and maintain the longevity of your tattoo. Usually, the tattoo artist will shave the area they are going to wax or you can come prepared beforehand. Shaving is always the go-to for hair removal methods. Waxing is better. Leaving your skin hair-free for up 5 weeks. Shaving can leave the hair to grow back within a day. Stubble arises and discomfort ensues.

Tattoo waxing can also be done by bringing your old tattoo back to life by exfoliating the skin.

Is Waxing Over Tattoos Safe?

Yes. But there is a limit to it. The limit is not waxing over a tattoo up until it has healed. As I’ve explained before waxing removes hair from the base of your skin. Doesn’t matter if it’s hard wax or soft wax. It also exfoliates the epidermis.

When you get a tattoo, you have a needle piercing the skin on the dermis. The dermis is the second layer of skin. Once you’re done getting your tattoo, your skin will need time to heal. Even your tattoo artist will also say so.

Is there a post tattoo waxing treatment?

A post-tattoo waxing treatment is pampering your skin after you’re done with waxing. You must communicate effectively between the esthetician and your client to make sure that there is no medical condition you might have. If so, there can be some complications.

The feedback given can help make sure there is a scar left behind by the tattoo that is healing as it should.You may get a recommendation of products and other accessories that can help you with taking care of your skin. The products can vary depending on the thickness of your hair, the amount of hair to remove the skin, and the levels of sensitivity on the body part area where the treatment will be placed.

Some of the treatments recommended to you by your esthetician may have natural properties. That is the best option to go with. Properties like calendula, bacocalmine, and tropical fruits. If you’re doing this by yourself then you can look for moisturizers that have these properties and can help to remove any discomfort.

Protect your skin from UV rays: sensitive skin is a thing once you’re done waxing. So, it’s a must you stay away from being under the sun the day or weeks following the session.

Refresh your skin: you can use ice packs, or cold compresses once the session is over. Either is good for refreshing the skin.

No tight clothes and chemical-based cosmetics, perfumes, or lotions:
using either of these right after can cause irritation. You may end up scratching the newly waxed area. Now you’re rubbing it. You’ll end up damaging the design and causing an infection.


Is waxing bad for tattoos?

On the contrary, no it is not. Only when the skin hasn’t healed properly. That’s where you can find yourself in some serious trouble. Not only will you feel pain, but you can get an infection. You can hurt your skin, therefore creating a scab on your skin and ruining the design of your tattoo. Wax is only applied on the upper top layer of skin which is the epidermis. Tattoos are affected because the ink is drilled into the dermis layer of skin which is under the epidermis. You may wax over a tattoo when it has fully healed and you won’t damage the design.