Can You Shave Over a Mole?

can you shave over a mole

This article is solely for informational purposes. Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate, and in all cases consult a certified healthcare professional before using any information presented in the article. The editorial board does not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for any harm that may result from using the information provided in the article.

I can fondly remember when I first started to shave. I had a mole on the left side of my cheek. It wasn’t huge or anything but if you’re to rub your finger over it, you could feel it. If you looked close enough you could see it. But when I started to shave, I wouldn’t go near it. I didn’t have much facial hair on my cheeks at the time so it wasn’t anything to worry about.

Then it hit me when I get older, I will eventually start to grow hair on my cheeks. And what do you know it happened. Now the question of “how to shave over a mole” started to pop in my head all the time. But this was before the internet was a huge resource for information. Before I would have to ask around family and friends or even book an appointment with a dermatologist to ask them.

But here is some useful information you can use

Can you shave around a mole, spot, or zit?

You can. Although you have to go about it very carefully. Since there are a variety of types and shapes of moles. It won’t be quite easy. The key is a light hand and a good technique for going over the mole. You end up going around it rather than over it. Or just take a few tweezers to pluck out the little hairs around it. Or a pair of clippers to cut around it.

A spot is different since it’s just a spot. Once again, a light hand and careful technique should do the trick. But if you’re going up against a zit it can get pretty messy. I’m assuming your zit may be ready to be popped or is very close to it. Although you can shave around it. It’s very difficult since you can run the risk of popping it (if that is not what you want to happen). Also, the surrounding area of the zit may cause you some pain. So, going around it or shaving over may not be an option.

However, if the zit is small enough and not ready to be popped. You can go over it. A light hand and good technique are all it takes. But even with this, you have to go slowly and carefully. The zit may still have sensitive skin on the top and any slight pressure can cut it.

How to shave around a mole, spot, or pimple

I like to lather up my face with some shaving soap. The area with the mole I leave alone for now. I then start to shave the rest of my face that has the shaving soap on it.

Now it’s time to get to the mole, spot, or pimple. Take some more shaving soap, gel, or foam.

Rub it around the surrounding area of the mole, spot, or pimple. Make sure you don’t use too much shaving soap, foam, or gel. A light coating is all that is needed.

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The only thing that should be visible is the mole, spot, or pimple. Take your razor and start to shave around the mole. Using the shaving soap as a guide. Wherever you see shaving soap, that is where you shave.

You can use short straight strokes. Or you can turn the blade as you shave with it to make a sort of curve with the blade as your shaving. When you do this, it should be like shaving around the mole since there is a curve in your technique.

The same you do with a spot also. But with a pimple every stroke of the blade you do, is going to be slow and careful. If your pimple is on the verge of being popped and you don’t want it popped then you’re going to have to be careful.

Shaving around a mole, spot, or pimple is all about knowing where not to shave. So, there are many ways to skin a cat.

Another way to tackle this problem is to get a colored toothpaste or if you have some cake frosting you can put it on the mole. The lather up with the shaving cream.

Now you know that the white shaving cream is where you’re supposed to shave and the spot with the colored toothpaste or cake frosting is where you shouldn’t. You can also put a small amount of shaving cream on the mole and take a piece of toilet paper on it. So now you know you’re not supposed to shave there.

Can Cutting A Mole While Shaving Lead to Cancer? What to Know About Regular Moles and Melanoma?

Having moles on parts of your body where you regularly shave would mean that you have to be extra precautious before you start to either shave those areas or use a different hair removal method. Shaving or cutting your moles can defiantly create a scar on your skin. Removing it without properly sterilized equipment can also lead to infection.

So, if the mole is cancerous regardless if you remove the mole or not, it can still lead to cancer. Since the cancerous cells would still be left in your skin and spread.

What do cancerous moles look like?

First off. Most moles aren’t cancerous. They are either flat or maybe a little raised pigmented area of skin. It could be present from your birth or magically appear later on.

Some moles can become malignant. You can refer to this acronym just to give you an idea of how you can determine what a cancerous mole would look like.


Stands for:

  • Asymmetry = a half of the mole doesn’t look like the other
  • Border = the mole has edges that aren’t regular in appearance
  • Color = moles with several different colors or shades
  • Diameter = Moles with a width wider than ¼ inch (6mm)
  • Evolution = moles that change in shape, color, and size

This other extra one did make the cut. But if the mole bleeds out spontaneously and you didn’t cut it or pick it can cause a bit of concern from you.

You can use tweezers also instead of shaving them off. Tweezing involves plucking the hairs from out the mole one by one. It can last a lot longer than shaving since you won’t see any hairs for up to 6 weeks. And you’re plucking the hairs from the pore.

There are depilatory creams you can use also. Manufacturers use specific ones for different parts of the body. So be sure to purchase one that you can use on your face. But I would be wary about this since there are a lot of chemicals involved in these creams.

Then there is laser hair removal. If it’s that much of a problem shaving over a mole, then you should consider getting this then. Some lasers can work efficiently without damaging your skin pigments. Using lasers on the skin or your moles should be wavelength lasers.