How To Shave With Coconut Oil?

how to shave with coconut oil

Coconut has been described as one of the healthiest oils known to man, as spoken by Bruce Fife, N.D and Joseph Mercola, D.O. No wonder people are now wonder exactly how to shave with coconut oil. When you have great doctors backing the extraordinary claims of this claim, its bound to get popular.

It’s been mostly used for cooking but here I’ll be describing the ways you can shave with coconut oil since I believe it to be a good alternative to shaving cream.

Let’s begin…

How to shave legs with coconut oil


Coconut has many uses. This type of oil is what is called a multi-tasking product. They are mostly used in your kitchen for cooking. But here is how you can use it for shaving.

All you have to do is take away your current shaving cream and start rubbing the coconut oil on your skin instead. I like to take a shower or bath and pat down most of the water that is on my legs. A hot shower is preferred (just in case you may like cold ones). Then rub a small amount of coconut oil on your legs. Sometimes you may find that it is solidified, and you may have to wait for it to melt a bit, no problem.

Next, I’ll take a sharp razor so I can get the closest shave possible. Then continue to shave just like you’re used to.

The good thing about the coconut oil is that it comes loaded with so many health benefits. It can help to moisturize your skin while you shave it. The skin is the body’s largest organ, did you know that?

Any product you apply to the skin is absorbed in some capacity. So, let’s say you’re trying to improve upon your wellbeing for the new year. Eating healthy isn’t enough.

You also have to use good products that aren’t loaded with various man-made chemicals. Why not try coconut oil?

Using coconut oil is a great way to reduce the number of toxins being absorbed into the body and is a natural alternative to shaving cream.

Quick tip: I find that when I try to shower with the coconut oil before wiping it off, it can make things very slippery. So, watch out for that.

Can men shave with coconut oil?

Of course, they can. Coconut oil isn’t tailored to any gender. The same way it works on women is the same way it’ll work on men. Men can suffer from a few nicks and cuts that they may face from facial shaving.

This oil will lubricate that blade so well, I bet you’ll find that you are less likely to cut yourself while shaving when using coconut oil.

How can they shave with it?

I would recommend that men open up the pores by dampening your face. Dampen it with some hot water. Take a small amount and rub it in your palms and then on to your face.

Or maybe you can add a few drops (2-3) at most and rub it your face. Shaving with oil is a little weird at first but it’ll make it easier since you can see where you’re shaving.

You start shaving the same way you would if you had shaving cream on your skin. Wash the blade regularly to reduce the buildup.

Now that you’re done you can wash off everything. Even throw a little more of the coconut oil on to take the place of your aftershave. There may be some residue left over you can always wash it off gently with some soap.

Can you shave your pubic hair with this oil?

Yes, you can. Since the pubic region can be a bit sensitive to either shaving or waxing. Either method can cause problems. You can have some relief since coconut oil has its healing properties.

Coconut oil feels smooth while on the skin and can help the blade move gently along the crevices of your pubic region. It’s packed with vitamin E and other antioxidants and can help to relieve and moisturize the irritated skin. All of this can help reduce any irritation bumps, or razor bump when your done shaving.

Something I think shaving cream can’t do.

How to shave your vagina with coconut oil

You can start by trimming your pubes down to about 6mm in length. It just shouldn’t be too long if you want to shave it. You can either use scissors or you can trim it with a body groomer. I prefer a body groomer.

The scissors, I find it easier to cut myself and I must pay close attention to where it direct that thing. The body groomer, I just turn on and let it run.

If you find that you have a hard time trimming that hair, a hot shower can always benefit you. Just let the steam cover you. It’ll loosen up the pores. If you’re not by a shower or find that you don’t have the time. You can always take a washcloth, wet it, with hot water, then lay it on your pubic region and let it rest there for a little while.

Exfoliate next, is always a good step. Exfoliating can loose up dead skin cells and help remove them before you start shaving so the razor won’t get too clogged up.

To exfoliate you can just grab a loofah and go to work down there.

Now you can apply that coconut oil to that spot. Wet the razor a little and go to work. Use long slow, and even strokes in the direction of your hair growth.

Tips: don’t press down on the blade and let it do its job. Let it do its work. If the hair isn’t coming off with the razor. Maybe it’s the razor that isn’t sharp enough or you still have too much hair left behind. So, trim it down a little more. This is how you shave pubes with coconut oil. The same way you would with shaving cream.

Shaving the upper area, right below your navel may be the easiest part when it comes to shaving with coconut oil. But then you have to get in between your legs, shaving the thighs.

To do this, you can bend your waist a tad bit, and lift whichever leg you choose to shave first. You’ll be able to see more of the area down below. I like to lift my leg up and raise it on the corner of the shower or even the sink If I can. This is all about providing better access so I can shave better.

You’ll have to adjust your shaving strokes in this position. It’ll go from straight and slow strokes to horizontal.

Up and down, but you have to be gentle and stop each stroke before you get to your labium. I made this mistake and it HURT.

I like to spread my legs even more apart, I find that this keeps the skin tight and can provide my blade with a flat surface to shave on.

This means that I’m not going to be shaving any folded or wrinkled skin while you’re shaving.

How do you shave your head with this powerful oil?


First, you can wet/dampen your head. You must make sure your head is completely trimmed to point the razor can efficiently cut your hair.

If you have smooth, less curly hair, your hair will be easier to trim and to shave but if you have curly coarse hair. It may prove a little difficult for your razor blade.

So trim first. If you can trim your hair down to the point your almost bald as a result of the clippers cutting so well, then that’s great.

Now take some warm water and dampen your head.

Next, rub a good amount all over your head, every area you plan to shave. Make sure you rub it in.

Sometimes if you’re not used to shaving with coconut oil, then the oil may be absorbed really quick by your skin. So, what I would recommend is that you apply one lather of coconut oil on to it first, then apply another lather right after.

Alright now, you’re ready to shave your head.

Tips for shaving your head:

I would say its best to shave your head after work, early in the morning, or when you don’t have much to do. Because one thing you don’t want to do is rush this especially if you’re not an expert at it. If you’re just starting out, then you might not be that good at it.

If you’re just starting out or if you’re a frequent head shaver and always find yourself getting nicks and ticks, then you’ll have to set aside the time to do this properly so you can either reduce the amount of nicks and ticks or just not get any at all. 

If you’re not comfortable shaving it yourself. Do some research. Go to the barber have them do it. Maybe ask them how they shave their head? Or watch how they shave their customer’s heads and mimic that.

Another tip is to use a mirror and start off with both sides that you can see the most and have the most control over. The front and sides of your head shouldn’t be that difficult.

The great thing about coconut oil, you can use it for aftershave also. Once you’re done shaving. Rub some cold water on your head. Pat your head dry, then rub a small amount on to your scalp. If you don’t want to use the coconut oil, you can apply an astringent, to close the pores.

Shave your head every other day. Daily shaving can be quite gruesome on your skin. And you don’t want that.

What are the benefits of using coconut oil on your head instead of shaving cream? Also is it good for a shaved head?

It provides so many health benefits (I think I can dedicate a whole entire post to how incredible this oil is) but this isn’t necessarily a health blog.

But you avoid all the harsh chemicals in shaving cream and since it’s a natural oil it can provide value to your skin if you have any skin conditions you may have.

Shave your facial hair with coconut oil

The steps to shave your face are similar to shaving your leg or any other part of your body but it may be a slight difference. Since the face is more succumb to razor bumps and nick and ticks.

So first you want to hydrate. Can’t go shaving on dry skin. Although you can, it’s called a dry shave and that depends on your skin’s toughness. But still, hydrate, makes things a bit easier.

You can do this while in the shower or immediately right after you exit the shower. Hydrating can be as simple as letting the steam cover your entire body. It softens your hair. And we all know the softening of the hair allows for better blade movement which equals a closer shave.

This is where you can apply coconut oil. If you’ve chosen to make coconut oil shaving cream, then apply that instead. Spread it all over. Get a good amount on the area you intend to shave.

Tip: when you’re using the oil, make sure to use maybe one hand to spread the oil over your face since its very slippery. Or have a towel or dry washcloth close by to wipe your hands real quick.

Get your razor blades in order. No dull ones. Only sharp ones. Safety razor or multiblade razor. Whichever you’re comfortable with.

Start shaving with the coconut oil. Light gentle strokes. Don’t press hard. Easy hands, light hands. Let the razor do its job. Rinse the blades after every 2-3 passes. That is all.

You can shave with or against the grain. I’ve found that many people are different and have different skin textures. Find which direction your hair grows then shave in that direction. Go with the flow.

The last benefit of using coconut oil is that you can use it as a moisturizer. So now that you’re finished. Throw some of that on. Don’t need a lot. Just a little. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY.

Can you use this oil as shaving cream?

Yes, you can, and you can use coconut oil as an alternative to shaving cream. It won’t be a shaving cream because it’s not a cream it’s an oil. Although you can turn it into a cream.

But it’s a lubricant and that’s all that matters when looking for an alternative. It can help the blade run smoothly along your skin. And that’s all you really need when looking for a replacement for shaving cream.

You can also put the coconut oil on your vagina after you’re done shaving. Coconut oil is safe for your vagina. The thing is you can’t get any in your vagina.

Here’s a little recipe if you want to turn it into a shaving cream.

  1. Take ¼ cup of aloe vera
  2. Take your coconut oil, about ¼ cup
  3. Take about 4 -6 drops of essential oils, (you know the peppermint, tea tree, the oils that make it smell good)
  4. Mix all together.

Does it help razor bumps?

Absolutely. Along with Aloe Vera, apple cider and even baking soda. But while on the topic of coconut oil. You can use it as a cream. In order to turn it into a cream. Take 2 cups of coconut oil. Get yourself a stand mixer or hand mixer whichever you are comfortable with.

  1. The coconut oil that you have will be solidified. Take 2 scoops of the oil and drop it into a mixing bowl
  2. I like to break it into chunks and makes it easier to break down.
  3. Turn your mixer on high or use your hand mixer and whip the coconut oil
  4. You want to continue to whip it until the oil is fluffy
  5. Take a small glass container and if you want to add in some essential oils, such as vanilla, or lavender to make it smell better. Do so. Before you put it into the container.
  6. Use whenever you want. You can rub it on some of your razor bumps and see and a definite decrease in bumps within a few days.

Is it a good aftershave?

Absolutely it is. It’s a great alternative. Traditional aftershave can be filled with chemicals, alcohol (that can dry out your skin, and dyes). There are a variety of natural aftershave options on the market today.

Even so, many of them still may have man-made properties in them and they may not fit toward your natural lifestyle (if you’re into that). But coconut oil is just something natural especially if you get it in its raw form.

Can you put coconut oil on your VAG after shaving?

Yes, you can. It can replace your shaving cream or even your aftershave. Like I said under the question “is it safe” you have to make sure that you don’t get any inside of you

According to Dr. Peter Rizk, who is an OBGYN fertility and women’s health expert for at Fairhaven Health, says that these oils can relieve you from vaginal dryness and any discomfort.

They can interrupt your vagina self-cleaning. And when applied topically they’ve been linked to increased vaginal infections.

So there seem to be similar concerns among doctors because Michael Krychman, M.D, the executive director of Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine shares the same views.

So, it’s fine to shave with it but you must be careful to not get any IN YOUR VAGINA.

Just dab a little on the top, left, and right of your vagina. Also, not everyone can use coconut oil and not have any side effects, some may be allergic.

So, before you even start to shave, rub a little on a small area of your body just to test it. Leave it for 24hours, and if you don’t get any redness, itching, or anything.

Then go ahead and apply it where you want and start shaving.

Related Reading:

Now that you’ve learned everything on using coconut oil for your shaving purposes. Why not learn exactly how to shave properly. I’ve written a few guides on…Shaving your genitals, Getting rid of butt hair, Shave your legs, Shaving your face. All of which can benefit from coconut oil.

What to do when the oil is too slippery?

First off, I’ve had this problem plenty off times and sometimes I never get a chance to shave because its so damn slippery.

So, my solution is too not USE TOO MUCH. If I have it in a bottle, then I take one little drop and I rub it on the area I’m about to shave. If I need more, I continue that process. If its in a solid form. I take a little bit, just enough to almost cover my finger tip and that is all. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY.

If its still too slippery, then you can take your dry washcloth and rub on the area where you applied it to.

Further Reading:

You can read up more of the health benefits of coconut oil with two articles.

Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and  The Truth about Coconut oil

I only touched a small piece of what this magic oil can do.