What Is A HoneyMoon Wax?

What is a Honeymoon Wax

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Okay so its your big day, walking down the aisle and you feel that you’re not shaven down below, can you shave after the wedding, How about a honeymoon wax? But wait what is a honeymoon wax? Why didn’t I my wax done before my big day? There must be endless amount of questions popping into your mind around while you’re waling down the aisle and it seems to all pop in to your mind right then and there. I think because as you are walking down the aisle, you’re also relieved because everything is almost over and your mind is clearing up.

What is a honeymoon wax?

It’s a certain type of wax treatment that is done right before your big day (honeymoon and/or wedding). Now you know every bride would love to look and must feel smooth and pretty on her wedding day. Which woman wouldn’t? What better way to feel this way is to get a wax right before your wedding? But when you have skin that is red and somewhat sore from waxing. That is no good.

How Often Should You Wax?

For your facial hair (for those of you who may not be sure that that includes) the upper lip and eyebrows. You want to wax every 2 – 3 weeks, since your hair will grow the fastest on these parts. Bikini area and your underarms: you want to wax them every 2 weeks. Legs and other parts of your body: you want to wax every 4 weeks.

How many days before wedding should I wax?

A regular wax routine would include you waxing a day or two before your big day. What if you never waxed? Then you might be a shaver, and if you shave your underarms, bikini area, or your legs. Now may be the time to switch to waxing. Just to get in the habit of waxing you may want to start the waxing routine at least a few months before you have your big day. You can give your bridal party a big boost by getting your affairs in order and schedule the waxing the same time for a pre-wedding beauty pampering get together.

Shaving may not be that good for you, and here is why you may want to switch. Shaving can bring along razor bumps, waxing can weaken the hair and possibly reduce hair growth over time.

Should you wax before a honeymoon?

You should wax a day or two before the honeymoon trip, that’s only if your hairs haven’t grown back to have a little 5 o’clock shadow look to it. Or if there is no stubble. But to make sure everything is completely smooth you can shave the day or two before the trip. If you’re a self-waxer you can do it yourself as soon as the plane lands and you’re in your hotel room.

Should you shave or wax underarms before your wedding?

Absolutely do both. You can either shave or wax. That’s up to you. since the underarm is a spot on the body that is not often looked at, I would probably go with shaving. Its quick and easy. And the possibility of getting razor bumps is a lot less that you shaving some hair on your face or pubic region.

When shaving its going to be important to find the direction of your hair growth and make sure you shave in that position.

Wedding is over, honeymoon is over, how long til your hairs grow back after a wax?

You can expect some smooth skin for about 2-3 weeks.  but most will see at least 4-6 weeks of no hair after the treatment. So maybe a month till you have to wax again.

Can I use tweezers for removing hair before my wedding?

Uhm, no. tweezers are more for small patches of hair on the body. Not really for huge wide areas. If you have. Tweezing if mostly for your eyebrows or if you have a few hairs on your arm or something but mostly for the eyebrows. Not for facial hair on your upper lip, not for the underarms, and not for the pubic region or legs. Image tweezing all those body parts and the pain that you’ll have to endure. Tweezing is time consuming also, when you can get it all done with waxing or shaving. The bottom line is they both take up less amount of time and they cover a larger amount of body parts than tweezing or threading can ever do.


Is it necessary for you to remove your pubic hair before marriage?

Not at all. But it can depend on a few things. One being your own comfort level and body image (how you see yourself). Are you comfortable with having hair down below then don’t remove it? But since you’re in a marriage you may have to bend backward a little bit and do things that would make your future husband/wife happy. And if they don’t like your pubic hair you may want to remove that also. Just remember shaving pubic hairs aren’t a cosmetic preference.


How long before wedding to wax eyebrows

You want to wax your eyebrows 1 week before your wedding. The closest time is about two days before the wedding. But I wouldn’t do it the night before your wedding because there can always be protentional for redness. And you wouldn’t want that on your weeding day. So here are some tips for waxing eyes brows on before your wedding.

Any waxing aftercare tips?

Alright so now your big day has arrived, you’ve got your waxing done now you have to take care of your new bare region so nothing goes bad. Doing these aftercare tips can make sure you enjoy your honeymoon and all the days after. So, for the next 24 hours. Don’t wear tight clothing except for the wedding gown of course. No tough exercise such as running or swimming. No scrubbing or sun tanning either. Once a week passes you can lightly scrub the area about twice a week. Doing this can prevent ingrown hair.

Another post wax aftercare tip is to use a hair inhibitor. Hair inhibitors are creams that can reduce your hair growth and its thickness. They are supposed to prevent hair growth, so don’t expect that.

How can I make my wax last and keep my skin smooth?

Well, you must maintain healthy and hydrated skin. Drink a lot of water is essential. Using a great moisturizer is always a plus. Honeymoons are often done in warm climate areas, so i suppose there will be a beach around that you may want to visit. So, wear sunscreen as a way to protect yourself because of the light exfoliation done from the wax, your skin has become more sensitive and vulnerable.

How can I keep these breakouts and razor bumps at bay before my weeding?

You can stop using hair removal methods that will bring about ingrown hair and/or breakouts. Breakouts can occur when using depilatory creams. You may have a reaction the chemicals in the creams that are being used. Shaving will dull blades can make sure skin breakout with ingrown hairs.

What are some things I shouldn’t do before my wedding or honeymoon when it comes to hair removal?

You shouldn’t wax on the same day. It’s better to have the day before is your skin can take it. Sometimes after waxing your skin can be quite sore. So just image it on your wedding day.

How can I prep my skin for the waxing treatment?

Your hair must be a certain length. Just make sure its about 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch. This is to make sure the wax can get a good grip of the hair and pull it out the root.

You can exfoliate the area being waxed on a regular basis. This is to move away dead skin cells and the clogged pores. The last exfoliation before your wax treatment for your wedding should be at least 2 days beforehand. Now you can moisturize the area. Do this til the day before your appointment. Doing this can keep it hydrated.

Read More:

Lets say you were more likely to shave rather wax, then you can read my article on shaving your pubic hair.